If Chapman University has an overall awareness among students and faculty about the benefits of going paperless, maybe we can make conscious efforts to change old habits and move forward. Being conscious is the first step. If you are aware of the effects that certain decisions have on the planet, than why ignore them? We can do it. Time to move forward with sustainability on our minds. Chapman’s mission is to provide a personalized education of distinction that leads to inquiring, ethical, and productive lives as global citizens. Part of being a productive global citizen means taking steps to improve the wellbeing and sustainability of our planet. It is time to make little changes in daily routines, like walking or biking to class, recycling bottles and cans, and moving towards a paperless policy.

2 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by noellefreeman on March 31, 2011 at 10:26 pm

    I couldn’t agree more–It starts with awareness. Without knowing what you’re doing wrong, you won’t be inspired to change. I think it would be effective to let Chapman undergo a huge wake-up call, with a day where you let them know the things they use have an effect on our environment. What if you filled a certain building with goods with a huge sign that tells the viewers how long these objects would stay in the room, if now one moved them, because of the time it takes for them to decompose? I think that reality checks are the only answer to direct change in our society. Something like this would allow a lot of people the realize everything they use has a lasting harm to our environment.


  2. This is soooo cool. I am really happy that Chapman opened a dialogue with you about sustainability. It appears as though you may make a change here at Chapman. Awesome job, I hope you take this idea further!


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